
  1. Abstracts should clearly state the objective/s of the paper along with citation of major findings/results. It will be in Times New Roman, 10 Fonts and not exceeding 175 words.

  2. Number of Key Words/Terms will be 3-5 and will be italicized.

  3. All the section heads/titles (including references) will be of Times New Roman, Bold, 12 Fonts and Left Aligned, all words’ first alphabet bold with Arabic numbering (e.g. 1. Introduction 2. Review of Literature). All the entire texts will be in MS Word/Latex, Times New Roman, 12 Fonts, Single Spaced and in single column format.

  4. All the subsections will be of Times New Roman, 12 Fonts, First Capital and Italics Bold with numbering like 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.

  5. All Tables and Figures’ titles will be in Times New Roman, 12 Fonts, no bold, Italics and placed above and centered with the tables and figures. The figures and tables should have sufficient Callouts in the text at proper places.

  6. The chapters should highlight some quantitative figures done by the author/s and in depth discussion as desired by the overall Mission of the Journal. All the figures/diagrams should be in MS Word/Latex documents. There will be Black and White images for the printed versions for the figures/diagrams.

  7. Broad Literature Survey and accordingly cited in the reference lists with APA Style. The maximum word count of the full chapters including all is 5000. One can add some additional readings after the reference list that should not be cited anywhere in the text.

  8. In text citation and Reference listing should be strictly in APA style. In particular, the following will need to be done:

    • Use an ampersand (&) rather than the word “and” before the final author in a parenthetical citation. Use the word “and” in an integrated citation.

    • When listing multiple sources in the same set of parentheses, separate each citation with a semicolon. When listing multiple sources by the same author or authors, separate the publication years with commas.

    • In an in-text citation with three to five authors, list every author using the "author, date" method for the first citation. If the reference is cited again, use "et al." after the first author. However, do not use “et al.” in the references list. Instead, list the first six authors followed by an ellipsis and the final author’s last name and initials.

    • Use an ampersand (&) rather than the word “and” before the final author in a reference citation.

    • In journal references, volume, issue, and page numbers following the journal title must be of the form Volume (issue), page-page, e.g., 7(1), 12-15.